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Anshul Friedman-Jha

What is biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a clean, biodegradable engine fuel alternative that produces 75% less emissions than conventional diesel fossil fuel (with a B100 blend, or pure biofuel). It can be made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or used cooking oil through a conversion process called transesterification. Most cars can accept B20 fuel blends, or 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum. However, small upgrades to a car’s rubber tube system can improve the ability of the engine to handle higher biofuel blends. If biodiesel comes from plant sources, it is close to being carbon neutral because the carbon dioxide released by burning the fuel is close to the amount that was initially absorbed by the plants as they grew. By using biodiesel, we can reduce the amount of toxic emissions and greenhouse gases released, as well as help prevent the risks of anthropogenic climate change.

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