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Isabella Lok

Are all blends of biodiesel safe? What is Viton?

Biodiesel can be used in different concentrations such as,  B100 (pure biodiesel), and B20 (20% biodiesel, 80% petroleum diesel). B20 is a common concentration blend in the United States.  
Most manufacturers approve B20 but B100 is not commonly recommended.
In diesel engines, high levels of fuel produce an increased amount of lubricants in the engine. It’s unknown whether the high levels of biodiesel will affect the efficiency of the engine.
Therefore, Viton, which is a synthetic rubber, is used as a preventative measure. It is not necessary but can be easily installed to protect diesel engines. This is isn’t a useless action because eventually, all seals on a vehicle will be worn.
Vation increases the longevity of the engines. In addition, the instalment of Viton is simple and inexpensive. They only cost about $50 and take about 30 minutes to install. Viton can be the solution to using higher blends of biodiesel. The higher the blend of biodiesel, the better it is for the environment because less petroleum would be used. The goal for the future is to be able to use 100% biodiesel and Viton can potentially make that happen. Furthermore, Viton has already been proved to be effective. Many manufacturers have used Viton as seals for diesel fuel.

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