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Saipranavi Kethireddy

What is Waste2Fuel?

In the beginning, our plan was to spread awareness about the importance of turning waste into biodiesel. Back then, we felt that the impact of biodiesel was immense and needed to be known about. However, now we feel that the general idea of “Waste2Fuel” could make a larger and more lasting impact on the world because there is more than one way to manufacture fuels. Making more people aware of the biofuel manufacturing industry would be a way to make the country and eventually the world more conscious about the environment and make a change to make the world a better place for future generations and maybe even ours. Now we are stronger than ever, We feel that this initiative will truly go far with all of your support. In our mission to make biofuels more common in everyday life, we started a community called The Global Alliance for BioEnergy, a worldwide collective of partnerships with charities, companies, non-profit/non-governmental organizations, scientists, politicians and governments, celebrities, and concerned citizens dedicated to reinventing the concept of waste and powering a changing world.

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