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Saipranavi Kethireddy

Why is fossil diesel so bad?

Many of us know that fossil diesel is bad for the environment. But do we know why? Well, there are many reasons. Did you know that around 16.4 million vehicles use diesel as a fuel for their cars and trucks? Yikes! That is really bad for the environment! Diesel fuel produces an immense amount of toxic emissions such as C02, water vapor, and NOx (15 times more than conventional gasoline cars!). That makes the threat of climate change even worse! You know the hazards of climate change? Here are some: Rising sea levels, dead coral reefs, more extreme weather, and really bad agricultural conditions- which means less food! For these problems, biodiesel is a cleaner option of efficient fuel. Also, why waste the used cooking oil that cannot be thrown away or composted like other waste products. Pouring it down a drain will ruin the pipes, the sewage system, and cause very expensive clogs for you or your city. That’s not good! So, why not make biofuel out of it? It produces less emissions and we can help reduce a significant amount of waste.

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